Interactive Quiz For Students
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Why Should You Start Looking for Colleges?

Don’t be scared! All the tools on this page are here to help you and make your college application and search process so much easier! Although starting your college search process may be scary at first, remember you're starting one of the most exciting times of your life! Although there are thousands of colleges out there, this page will help you narrow it down and help you to characterize your search to what fits best for you! Continue scrolling to take our quiz; each question is to help us plot you on a part of our graph! Even if you don’t know exactly what you want right now, answer the question to the best of your ability, or take the quiz multiple times! This is here to help you!

How To Use The Quiz:

Go through and take your time answering the questions below. Each question corresponds to a certain value that is represented on our graph. After finishing the quiz, you will get plotted on the graph based on your preferences and needs. You can look at the different colleges around that point to get a better idea of good schools for you!

Why is this helpful?

On the next page, you will find a graph that is organized by affordability on the x-axis and flexibility on the y-axis! After taking the quiz, your answers will help to plot you in the quadrant of the graph that corresponds to a list of colleges that are based on your answers! For example, if your answers show that you would like a lot of financial aid, but don’t necessarily have a preference for flexibility, you would be plotted in the third quadrant. This is to help you get a personalized list of schools that align with your interests and needs!

Find Your Values

    Instructions For Quiz!

  1. Answer our questions
  2. Press submit
  3. Press the “next” button in the bottom right of the page
  4. You will then be plotted on the College Grid
  5. Click around to the different colleges around your point

1. If you get into your dream school, but they don’t give you any financial aid, would you still be able to attend?

2. Do you know exactly what you want to major in?

3. You get into your dream college, but you can’t change your major, what do you do?

4.You’re struggling to pick between your dream school, which gave you no financial aid, and a different school that completely met your EFC (estimated financial contribution), what do you do?

5. Do you have a preference between a smaller, private school, as opposed to a bigger, public school? (keep in mind that typically private schools have more options for financial aid than public schools)

6. Do you want to go out of state?

7.Is an open curriculum important to you?

8. Is having Greek life and big parties super important to you?

9.How important is having a cute mascot to your college preference? (on a scale from UC Berkeley, to University of Oregon)

10. Are you planning on attending a polytechnic or technical university?

11.Is it important for you to have a more well rounded education? (for example, taking a writing class, foreign language, etc. even if it does not directly relate to your major?)

12. Is it important to you to have to declare a major freshman year?
